Friday, November 19, 2010


In an article that I read was about when the psychologist did a study on panist to see what they can memorize from their music. How that relate to me is that in my choir class, we are getting ready for our christmas show and we are trying to memorize like five or more songs. But sometimes we have to slpit into four parts. Sometimes we ould have to go over the song for howmany time that we need to go over it. For example: We neede to find the key that we started in and we forgot it what it was, we would have to ask the teacher for that key so we can start the the whole song againg.

Click here to see the article.
I have been memorizing music since i have singing in grade school. middle school, and then till now. the music that I got when I was young was easy. But as you get older the music sheets would get harder and harder. If you are in either choir or even in band, then you would know what I am talking about for memorizing music. In music. they would sometimes split into like six parts. What i found out in the end of the article was that it was their personality show how you memorize. 

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