Friday, December 10, 2010

Aphasia (The thing that keeps your brain hostage)

    I learned about something that I didn't even knew exist. Aphasia was so interesting that I wanted to learn more. So what Aphasia is is that it is a speech disorder that effects your temporal and also frontal lobe.  So it would be hard a time because it effects your reading, language, and also writing. When they lose their ability of those, it can get hard for them. Even when they talking in a conversation. But it is most common to get it in the left hemisphere of the brain. When they get Aphasia, it could of happen if they got a stroke, head injury, and also a brain tumor. How it happen is when a part of the brain blocked the blood flow, so then it would cut the blood supply for the brain. 

  Some of the symptoms that you could see if they speak in in complete sentences. Making sentences that would not make any sense. For example: If you give a sentences that says "the person pet the cat." But then they would say "the cat pet the person." But the major thing is when they keep making spelling mistake. Some times they would have to write down somethings down for them to talk and also spell. It is also hard for them to comprehend what other people are saying or what them self's are saying.

  When Sarah Scott(on left) was 18 years old, she had a stroke. She had a very hard time talking and didn't know what was happening. She would had to write things to help her understand. So then her mom(on right) made a video at 9 months from her stroke and then one at 16 months from her stroke. On her second video she had improved a lot. She got a job and she like college. When she got stump on something, her mom would ask if she wants to write it down. But she didn't want to. She goes to a speech therapist one a week for help. 

   For some treatment that would be helpful is going to a local clinic where there is group therapy. That person would help with the person that has trouble most in. For most have a problem with their speech. So then they would bring a speech pathologist for their speaking ability. What the pathologist would bring in is a card that has pictures that have words with it; and they would want that person try to ask them what does those things  say. This would help them comprehend things more and their speaking ability. It just takes time for them to heal.

 It was fun researching this disorder because i got learn something that never knew. They didn't understand anything that they would get. And have a hard time reading and writing. If I got it, I wouldn't be myself. I already hard for me to understand thing I get at school like homework. It is also hard for me  to comprehend things that are easy for others. That's why I would have to keep writing things down to help me understand. 

1 comment:

  1. Dear, Riley
    I know I didn’t know that Aphasia existed either until we started researching it. Aphasia was very interesting to learn about though. It must be so hard to deal with Aphasia but the most awarding experience must be overcoming some of the symptoms of Aphasia.
    By learning about Aphasia I learned that you can’t take your life for granted. You never no what’s going to happen.
