Friday, December 3, 2010

Wow, I didn't know that happen

    Memory for people is kinda like a maze. People would have to think of what  they did that day, or what a person might have told them. If they couldn't remember about it, then they would be screwed. If they can't remember for a short amount of time, that would be called short term memory.Short term memory is the capacity for holding a small amount of information in a short amount of time capacity. Short term memory can hold up about seven unrelated items

For example: One of my favorite that always forget about either what is going on or anything else would be Dory. When Dory meets Marlin and shes shows where she saw where the boat went that has Nemo. She keeps asking why he keeps following her. And even when she is trying to remember the address to find where Nemo is. Sometimes Dory would forget Nemo's name. She would call him either Fabio or Elmo.  

  For me, I always forget thing very much. I am just like that because that is how I am. It always happens in school if there is too much homework that I had to do. And if one of my friends says something, and then another one would tell me something different. Then I would forget the thing really fast. But if I write that thing down, then i wouldn't forget what they said. That even happens for when my teachers are talking. 

  If you wouldn't want to forget anything you could tie a string on your finger or maybe even write on your hand so you know what needs to get done. Or do whatever think that will help.

1 comment:

  1. Since you remeber stuff easier if you write it down could that mean that your memory is more left brain oriented? if so, then it's good to know the qualites that makes it easier to rember things, such as writing, that's a good one.

    Amanda Tamme
